Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Top Ten Things I Hate About My Dorm

1. Its too small. Everytime I turn around my nose is touching the wall. Its tiny.
2.There are ants in it. I've been bitten at least 5 times today by angry ants.
3. There are no trash cans close so there is trash everywhere.
4.The stench is unbearable. Not only is there trash everywhere but my roomate has size 18 feet and they stink.
5.There is no parking anywhere around here. I drive around for hours trying to find a spot but hardly ever do.
6.Blanco hall is too far away from the school. I have to walk a mile to school everyday and im too fat to walk all that way.
7.My T.V. is too small. My house has a 54' big screen T.V. My dorm has a 27' its a big diference
8.The walls are too bland. All the walls are straight white with nothing on them. Its kinda depressing.
9.The beds suck. My back hurts horribly along with my neck due to this fact.
10.You can't open the window. I can't get fresh air unless I want to walk to the 1st floor.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

justin -- this sounds like a total nightmare. you should move in someplace like village green, they have free cable and wireless, pool, and the managers are actually cool, plus you can catch the bobcat village bus to campus.

keep posting.