Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Love Dr. Pepper

Dr. Pepper was invented in 1885 and what a great invention it was. Now I don't know who invented it, why they invented it, or how they invented it and I don't really care. All I Know is I love it. I have probably 5 cans a day and can't go through the day without it. I love the way it taste and that tingling feeling in the back of your throat when you drink it. I have one every mourning when I wakeup and at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If the man who invented it did not recieve the noble prize then it is probably the greatest tradgedy in human history. So as I finish off this last bit of Dr. Pepper in my hand I give thanks to you, Mr. maker of Dr. Pepper, for you are the greatest inventer of your time.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

my fiancee is a dr. pepper nut, too. she only goes through one can a day, though -- that i know of. have you been to the dr. pepper museum (seriously) up in waco? that was where it was born. also, what do you think is the secret ingredient?