Thursday, October 26, 2006

Philosophy Books

In my philosophy class we were forced to buy 6 books. So far we have used two books and we have only read like half of these books. I feel that my professor has wasted me alot of money unecessarily. I could have like a hundred dollars in my pocket tonight but instead I'm just looking at 6 books that will never be used. I know the book store will probably only buy them back for like a quarter of the price too and This makes me mad.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Dorm

I need desperately to get out of this dorm room. I can't go to sleep til two o'clock at night thats when my other two roomates finally get into bed. The room is also terrible cramped. The room is about ten bby ten when we get everything organized in here and there are three people in here so I get kind of closterphobic. I ride a stupid bus aroun.d everywhere and have to step around my stuff and everyone elses stuff to get to my computer. I need fifty-six hours to get out of here so I probably won't get out of here til next year. So til then I will just have to bear with these conditions

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Longhorns vs. Cornhuskers

The longhorns beat the cornhuskers this weekend in an absolute thriller. The longhorns pretty much controlled the whole game but let Nebraska back into the game by missing two field goals and not cashing in on red zone oppurtunities. They were about to lose by letting Nebraska have a first down with 2 minutes left but Aaron Ross caused a fumble and Brett Bailey, a walk on kicker, scored with 26 seconds left. The longhorns pulled out a tough and well needed win.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I am sick of school

I'm sick of school. It is so monotonous. The same thing happens everyday. I go to school usually sllep during class or take notes then I come to my dorm, study, take a nap or watch t.v. I do this day after day . You can say that I need to go out and do something but I've learned that there's nothing to do in a town without any money. So I guess I'll continue to sit here and do homework til the semesters over or I kill myself.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Going Home for the Weekend

I am going home to Burnet this weekend and I am excited. I haven't been home in a while and I am feeling a little bit homesick. I am going to visit my family and visit alot of my old friends. I am going to the high school football game and over to a friends house. I bet nothing has changed in Burnet since Ive seen it last because nothing ever changes in the town of less than 5,000.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Roommates Broken Heart

My roommate ended his relationship with his girlfriend yesterday. He is pretty heartbroken about it and won't stop talking about it. I feel sorry for him because I think he reaally liked this girl and he hung out with her alot. I think I saw him tearing up when they were ending it and he has been really sad the last two days. I hope he finds someone new pretty soon so the dorm room doesn't have to be so sad around here.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Cowboys vs. Eagles

In addition to the Texas vs Ou game this weekend The Dallas Cowboys are also facing the Philadelphia Eagles.Not only is this a battle of the top two teams in the NFC east but it is also the return of Terell Owens to Philadelphia. As you probably know his career ended in Philadelphia after he got into many fights with the Eagle corporation. It'll be interesting to see how the fans greet him in his return. My prediction for the game is Cowboys 28 Eagles 13. The Eagle secondary is banged up and I expectr Terell Owens and Terry Glenn to have a big day.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Texas vs. Oklahoma

The biggest game in the texas season comes on this weekend. Texas plays Oklahoma in the cotton bowl this Saturday. I think Texas has this game locked up. Their running game is way too strong for OU to handle and Colt McCoy is gotten alot better as quarterback since the Ohio State game. I will go home to watch the game with my family and my predicted score is 28 to 10 Texas.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I went and watched jackass 2 over the weekend and it was pretty good. This movie was entertaining and quite gross. This movie includes a man getting his penis bitten by a snake and a man drinking horse sperm. Now while you would think this movie that included this wouldn't do very well at the box office you would be wrong. It opened at number 1. This is an entertaining movie with alot more funny and exciting moments than alot of movies. I think everyone over 17 should go make a trip to see it.